The only multi-channel protection (HTML - email - PDF - ZIP - XHMTL)
against the dissemination of false information

ACTUSNEWS SECURITY MASTER  What is ASM (Actusnews Security Master)?

ACTUSNEWS SECURITY MASTER is a system to prevent the distribution of fake news and the publication of corrupted and falsified information.

This system helps you to check the information that circulates on the Internet and find rumours, or false publications.

What are the common means used to spread false financial information?

  • A fake press release, put online on a false mirror investor site;
  • A fake press release sent by email;
  • A fake press release shared on social networks.

In order to minimize this type of cyber attack and cybermal surveillance, Actusnews wire is the first and only broadcaster to have developed a dual control system to cover all broadcast formats.

For press releases distributed on the Internet (HTML and email)

  • Press releases on websites, such as media portals;
  • Sent by our free email alert service;
  • Shared on our social networks.

Each press release distributed on the Internet (HTML and email) by Actusnews wire has a unique identification called: SECURITY MASTER Key.

By entering this SECURITY MASTER Key on ACTUSNEWS SECURITY MASTER, you can check and compare that the release in your possession matches the one in our database.

For information published in PDF - ZIP - XHTML

Each information published in PDF, ZIP or XHTML by Actusnews wire has a unique security footprint called: SECURITY MASTER Footprint.

By uploading the PDF, ZIP ou XHTML file to ACTUSNEWS SECURITY MASTER, you can authenticate that the one in your possession comes from our systems and you also ensure that it is free of malware.